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Cosmetic Dentistry

When you are looking for a healthy and beautiful smile, you deserve to have someone with experience. Cosmetic dentistry requires a team of individuals all working in harmony to produce great results. That team must include not only the dentist, but a highly skilled ceramist to fabricate the crown or veneer, and a dental laboratory that is dedicated to providing only the best dental restorations available today. Our dental laboratory, Harmony Dental Lab, is located in Jacksonville, Florida, and all of their work is done on site. No work is ever sent outside of the United States. All of their products are of the highest quality. You can be assured that we have the experience required and have assembled the highly skilled team necessary so that you get the results you are looking for.

There are only a few internationally renowned cosmetic dentists and dental practices in the world. Dr Beaudreau has been fortunate to be associated with one of those. For a look into the world of truly great cosmetic dentistry visit their website at 

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